Anand Ramaswamy

Anand Ramaswamy

A yoga sadhaka, music lover, an erstwhile traveler and sales professional. Anand comes from a family with a spiritual bent of mind, and was always exposed to various spiritual and religious practices. Working in a research, marketing and sales...

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Sanjay Rajpurohit

Sanjay Rajpurohit

A yoga sadhaka, a Vastu Shastri, an experienced retailer. Sanjay’s quest began during his interactions with his friends and clients beyond just talking business. “The more I spoke to my clients, the more I realized there is an unwanted stress...

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Jitendra Belani

Jitendra Belani

Jitendra Belani is a qualified finance professional who having served in the banking sector for over 12 years moved on to a broader and nobler service…that towards the environment. Working with companies like Deutsche Bank, J.P.Morgan etc.did...

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